Mothers Union
Mothers Union
Mothers Union celebrates its 140th birthday in 2016. MU has a long and strong history in the parish, with a number of our members having received 50 and 60-year service pins. Mothers Union was established by Mary Sumner, the wife of Bishop Sumner in England. The purpose of Mothers Union is to provide support for Marriage and Family Life, and they meet monthly throughout the year, and include in their activities visiting the residents of Glenview Aged Care (Indigo North Health) and hosting a meal annually for those who are alone. The MU meets at St Stephens Hall on the 2nd Thursday each month following the 9:00am Eucharist. The President of Rutherglen MU is Mrs Irene Hay. New members are always welcome.
Ladies Guild
Ladies Guild

Is a group of women who for many years have undertaken catering of all sorts on behalf of the parish, including Funeral wakes, birthday parties etc. The catering is sometimes geared towards raising funds for various parish projects.
Adele McKenzie is the President of the Guild which meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 2:00pm in St Stephen’s Hall. If you are interested, please come and join us. For further information contact Adele on 0420 292252.
Is a worldwide Christian movement designed to assist people in living a Christian lifestyle, to live intentionally? Participation begins with a 3-day course – the Spanish word “Cursillo” means short course, which is an invitation to renew your journey of faith, and to intentionally commit to supporting the work of the church and to share their faith. There are a number of Cursillistas. If you wish to make a Cursillo, or if you wish to attend a Group Reunion, please contact the Parish Priest.
Ecumenical Bible Studies
Ecumenical Bible Studies

Each year the Rutherglen congregations of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches gather as a combined study group. The Anglicans generally host the Lent Study (in preparation for Easter), and the Uniting Church usually hosts the Advent Study (in preparation for Christmas). We also sometimes have studies outside those periods for those who are interested. It is not unusual for 15 or more from the 3 churches to attend and participate.
If you are interested, please call the parish priest.