Anglican Op Shop

Located on the corner of Main and High Streets, Rutherglen. OpShop

OPEN - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 10am – 3pm Sunday: 11am – 3pm 

 DONATIONS - We appreciate your generous donations of goods in reasonable condition and they can be dropped at the shop or for larger items please contact us. Please Note - We are unable to accept, mattresses, electrical items or any safety related items.

VOLUNTEERS – New people are always welcome to join our volunteer team, please drop in at the shop or contact us for more information.

A Shop OpeningOp Shops in general have become an important part of modern day life as people have found a need to recycle unused or unneeded items. This has some wonderful benefits including a significant reduction in waste as well an opportunity for people from all walks of life to find some great bargains. As the old saying goes, one person’s rubbish really is another man’s treasure. In addition to this the Rutherglen Op Shop has also endeavored to assist in strengthening Community Connections and give back to the community when possible.

On July 10th 2015 the Bishop of Wangaratta, Right Rev’d John Parkes AM and his wife Margaret officially opened the Rutherglen Anglican Op Shop. In his speech Bishop John acknowledged the important role that Op shops often play in the community and Rutherglen Anglican Op shop strives to do just that.

The Anglican Op Shop has been well supported by both the local community and visitors to the area for which we are very grateful. Our wonderful team of dedicated volunteers endeavor to provide a happy positive environment where people can explore all kinds of interesting treasures.

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